Air Navigation est une application abordable, de planification de vol et de navigation en temps réel. Nous espérons que vous aurez autant de plaisir à l’utiliser que nous en avons eu à travailler dessus.
Ici vous trouverez quelques astuces pour démarrer avec Air Navigation et comment optimiser son utilisation.
User Interface
The user interface is different according to the device that it is being used.
Moving Map
The moving map is the main instrument of Air Navigation. It is used for real time navigation as well as route planning or creation of user waypoints.
On the next pages, you will find details on how to use the different instruments Air Navigation Pro brings.
Besides the moving map and navigation instruments, various tools are available to help with flight planning and other tasks.
EFIS module
The EFIS module is a graphic interface which displays real 3D terrain while flying.
Xample services
Get the full potential of all the features connecting Air Navigation with your Xample Services account.
Third-party services
Import/export data (Backup/sharing)
Advanced features
External devices
Getting Support