Synchroniser avec d’autres appareils

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Afin de synchroniser un appareil Android avec un compte utilisateur, vous devez vous identifier sur le compte d’Xample Services, sur votre appareil, à travers le module «Air Navigation Services».


Note: Souvenez-vous que le compte de Xample Services n’est pas le même que le compte de Google Play.

The Xample Services account is unique and can be synchronized with up to a total of three devices. This can include iOS and Android devices (Example: 1 iOS and 2 Android). You can unlink them at any time by doing a log out from Air Navigation Services.

You can also unlink them forever (normally this is done when the device is not used any more by the user) by using the «Revoke» option. This will take up to two weeks to be processed.

There is also another way to revoke devices immediately. For more information about it, please refer to this article.


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