Importar/Exportar arquivos GPX files (rotas)

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Uma Rota em formato GPX pode ser importado ou exportado a parti de Air Navigation Pro.

In order to Export a Route, press on the upper-right button located in the «Route Module» panel, then select the option “Send by email”.

caption You must first have an Email account configured on your device.

In order to Import a Route, you have 3 alternatives:

  • Copy the GPX files directly into the folder advised by the button “Show GPX folder”. This folder will have all the Routes appearing in Air Nav Pro.
  • Select “Import GPX file”, then you search for the GPX file and open it.
  • Use the “Open with” feature from outside Air Nav Pro.



Note: As an alternative, you can send a GPX file (Route) to your Email box and then open it directly on your device using the feature “Open with”.

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