System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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apihelp-query+languagestats-param-language (Talk) (Translate) Language code.
apihelp-query+languagestats-param-timelimit (Talk) (Translate) Maximum time to spend calculating missing statistics. If zero, only the cached results from the beginning are returned.
apihelp-query+linkshere-description (Talk) (Translate) Find all pages that link to the given pages.
apihelp-query+linkshere-example-generator (Talk) (Translate) Get information about pages linking to the [[Main Page]].
apihelp-query+linkshere-example-simple (Talk) (Translate) Get a list of pages linking to the [[Main Page]].
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-limit (Talk) (Translate) How many to return.
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Only include pages in these namespaces.
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-prop (Talk) (Translate) Which properties to get: ;pageid:Page ID of each page. ;title:Title of each page. ;redirect:Flag if the page is a redirect.
apihelp-query+linkshere-param-show (Talk) (Translate) Show only items that meet these criteria: ;redirect:Only show redirects. ;!redirect:Only show non-redirects.
apihelp-query+logevents-description (Talk) (Translate) Get events from logs.
apihelp-query+logevents-example-simple (Talk) (Translate) List recent log events.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-action (Talk) (Translate) Filter log actions to only this action. Overrides <var>$1type</var>. Wildcard actions like <kbd>action/*</kbd> allows to specify any string for the asterisk.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-end (Talk) (Translate) The timestamp to end enumerating.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-limit (Talk) (Translate) How many total event entries to return.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Filter entries to those in the given namespace.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-prefix (Talk) (Translate) Filter entries that start with this prefix.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-prop (Talk) (Translate) Which properties to get: ;ids:Adds the ID of the log event. ;title:Adds the title of the page for the log event. ;type:Adds the type of log event. ;user:Adds the user responsible for the log event. ;userid:Adds the user ID who was responsible for the log event. ;timestamp:Adds the timestamp for the event. ;comment:Adds the comment of the event. ;parsedcomment:Adds the parsed comment of the event. ;details:Lists additional details about the event. ;tags:Lists tags for the event.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-start (Talk) (Translate) The timestamp to start enumerating from.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-tag (Talk) (Translate) Only list event entries tagged with this tag.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-title (Talk) (Translate) Filter entries to those related to a page.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-type (Talk) (Translate) Filter log entries to only this type.
apihelp-query+logevents-param-user (Talk) (Translate) Filter entries to those made by the given user.
apihelp-query+messagecollection-description (Talk) (Translate) Query MessageCollection about translations.
apihelp-query+messagecollection-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) List of supported languages
apihelp-query+messagecollection-example-2 (Talk) (Translate) List of non-optional message definitions for the group "page-Example"
apihelp-query+messagecollection-example-3 (Talk) (Translate) List of optional messages in Finnish with tags for the group "page-Example"
apihelp-query+messagecollection-example-4 (Talk) (Translate) More information about latest translation revisions for the group "page-Example"
apihelp-query+messagecollection-param-filter (Talk) (Translate) Message collection filters. Use <kbd>!</kbd> to negate condition. For example <kbd>!fuzzy</kbd> means list only all non-fuzzy messages. Filters are applied in the order given. ;fuzzy:Messages with fuzzy tag. ;optional:Messages which should be translated only if changes are necessary. ;ignored:Messages which are never translated. ;hastranslation:Messages which have a translation regardless if it is fuzzy or not. ;translated:Messages which have a translation which is not fuzzy. ;changed:Messages which have been translated or changed since last export. ;reviewer:N:Messages where the user number <kbd>N</kbd> is among reviewers. ;last-translator:N:Messages where the user number <kbd>N</kbd> is the last translator.
apihelp-query+messagecollection-param-group (Talk) (Translate) Message group.
apihelp-query+messagecollection-param-language (Talk) (Translate) Language code.
apihelp-query+messagecollection-param-limit (Talk) (Translate) How many messages to show (after filtering).
apihelp-query+messagecollection-param-offset (Talk) (Translate) Integer or key offset for start.
apihelp-query+messagecollection-param-prop (Talk) (Translate) Which properties to get: ;definition:Message definition. ;translation:Current translation (without $1 string if any, use the tags to check for outdated or broken translations). ;tags:Message tags, like optional, ignored and fuzzy. ;properties:Message properties, like status, revision, last-translator. Can vary between messages. ;revision:<span class="deprecated">Deprecated!</span> Use $2prop=properties.
apihelp-query+messagegroups-description (Talk) (Translate) Return information about message groups. Note that the uselang parameter affects the output of language dependent parts.
apihelp-query+messagegroups-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) Show message groups
apihelp-query+messagegroups-param-depth (Talk) (Translate) When using the tree format, limit the depth to this many levels. Value 0 means that no subgroups are shown. If the limit is reached, the output includes a "groupcount" value, which states the number of direct children.
apihelp-query+messagegroups-param-filter (Talk) (Translate) Only return messages with IDs that match one or more of the inputs given (case-insensitive, separated by pipes, * wildcard).
apihelp-query+messagegroups-param-format (Talk) (Translate) In the tree format message groups can exist in multiple places in the tree.
apihelp-query+messagegroups-param-iconsize (Talk) (Translate) Preferred size of rasterised group icon.
apihelp-query+messagegroups-param-prop (Talk) (Translate) What translation-related information to get: ;id:Include ID of the group. ;label:Include label of the group. ;description:Include description of the group. ;class:Include class name of the group. ;namespace:Include namespace of the group. Not all groups belong to a single namespace. ;exists:Include self-calculated existence property of the group. ;icon:Include URLs to icon of the group. ;priority:Include priority status like discouraged. ;prioritylangs:Include preferred languages. If not set, this returns false. ;priorityforce:Include priority status - is the priority languages setting forced. ;workflowstates:Include the workflow states for the message group.
apihelp-query+messagegroups-param-root (Talk) (Translate) When using the tree format, instead of starting from top level start from the given message group, which must be an aggregate message group. When using flat format only the specified group is returned.
apihelp-query+messagegroupstats-description (Talk) (Translate) Query message group stats.
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