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You can show/hide/overlay previously downloaded maps.

Air Navigation Pro's map engine is capable of displaying multiple maps at the same time and specify which map should be displayed on top where they overlap. It means that you can MIX maps from different providers and use them all at the same time.

Problemas comunes


En la image de la derecha, podemos ver el mapa “Brazil WAC 2011” y el mapa “Uruguay - Free” uno encima del otro. El problema aparenta ser que el mapa de Brazil está incompleto, pero en realidad, no lo está. Este es un claro ejemplo de SUPERPOSICIÓN.

File:Over l.jpg

You can solve this problem by simply moving the charts up or down in the «Maps» panel or switching them ON or OFF. On the picture on the right, we show the chart from Uruguay on top of the one from Brazil. So, if we move it below, the latter will show on top of the former. This is shown on the picture above. We move the charts by pressing and holding from the right edge (where the three-line mark is).

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