Air Navigation pour Desktop

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Air Navigation Desktop
Merci de votre intérêt à Air Navigation. Air Navigation a été créé pour l’Aviation Générale, cependant il a été rapidement adopté par des pilotes de différents véhicules, tels que des paraplaneurs, des planeurs, des avions à simple ou multiples moteurs, des ULM, des hélicoptères ou encore des montgolfières.

We decided to continue improving the app and develop it for other operative systems, such as Android and MAC OS X.


Air Navigation Desktop is a complete flight-planning application with a variety of possibilities that will run under OS X. Among other functionalities, you will be able to plan your flight, print flight documents and synchronize routes with your mobile device.

Getting started

Air Navigation Desktop uses "Missions" in order to better organize your flights. It can have as many flights as needed.

A mission will be created when launching Air Navigation Desktop. Then you will be able to set up your flight according to your needs:

User interface

The user interface has been divided in many articles for a better understanding of every function:

Flight planning

All you need to know to plan your flight:

Xample Services

Get the full potential of all the features by connecting Air Navigation Desktop with your Xample Services account.

Getting Support