Fue rápidamente adoptado por pilotos de varios vehículos, incluyendo parapentes, planeadores, ultra ligeros, aeroplanos multi o mono motor, helicópteros, y hasta globos aerostáticos.
Decidimos, entonces, continuar mejorando la aplicación y desarrollar otras versiones para sistemas operativos distintos, como Android y MAC OS X.
Air Navigation Desktop es un completo programa para el planeamiento de vuelvo que funciona en OS X. Entre sus varios usos, es posible planear vuelos propios, imprimir documentos, y sincronizar rutas con dispositivos móviles.
Getting started
Air Navigation Desktop uses "Missions" in order to better organize your flights. It can have as many flights as needed.
A mission will be created when launching Air Navigation Desktop. Then you will be able to set up your flight according to your needs:
User interface
The user interface has been divided in many articles for a better understanding of every function:
Flight planning
All you need to know to plan your flight:
Xample Services
Get the full potential of all the features by connecting Air Navigation Desktop with your Xample Services account.
Getting Support