Le module “Preflight briefing” fournit aux pilotes avec des informations NOTAM. Ils peuvent modifier les paramètres pour afficher plus ou moins de détails. Les paramètres sont décrits dans l'image ci-dessous.
NOTAM is a paid subscription and has to be purchased from your Xample Services account.
The NOTAM is presented in PDF format and can be immediately printed out.
The Availability of this service covers most of the world territory on NOTAM serie A, Europe on NOTAM series A and C, and France, Germany and Switzerland on smart NOTAM. Here’s what each type means:
- NOTAM serie A:
International Airports + FIR regions
- NOTAM serie C:
National/Regional Airports
- Smart NOTAM:
Decoded NOTAM (easy-to-read)
NOTAM can also be activated on the map through the Map TAB widgets. On the image beside, the NOTAM is depicted as red dotted circles. You can get the NOTAM info by clicking within the circles (see screenshot below).
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