Comprar suscripciones (Add-ons)

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Las compras son efectuados desde la página de ADDONS en

The Addons page will let the users:

  • See ALL their purchases, subscriptions and the products sync with their devices;
  • Purchase products such as yearly subscriptions to approach charts;
  • Subscribe to free database packages such as waypoints and airspaces databases;
  • Renew subscriptions.

Xample mac.jpg

In order to have access to the ADDONS page, you must first own a Xample Services account.

The ADDONS page has 3 lists:

  • By country

It shows the offered products divided by country.

  • By product groups

It shows the different kinds of available products.

  • My Addons

It shows all your purchases. Bymyaddons.jpg

Note: for a more detailed explanation on how to purchase subscriptions, please take a look at this video:

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