The sensors menu from Air Navigation Pro shows the different device's connections that can be used as sources to be shown during the navigation. There are four types of sources:
- Location Sources: Used to display your current location and altitude (GPS-based)
- Attitude Sources: Used for the synth view
- Pressure Sources: Used to show your pressure altitude
- Traffic Sources: Used to display nearby aircrafts
Some of the external devices can be used for multiple sources. For example the Levil AHRS G provides location, attitude, pressure and traffic information to Air Navigation Pro.
Location Sources
Internal Sensors bridge
- to pair with another device (an iPad with an iPhone for example). It is possible to connect a Wifi only iPad to an iPhone with an internal GPS module and let the iPhone share the location data with the iPad.
Flight Simulators
- Air Navigation Pro can be connected to flight simulators and use them as source for the data displayed on it:
- MS Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D
- X-Plane
External Devices
- External sensors that transmit location data to Air Navigation Pro
- Flytec SensBox
- Levil AHRS G Mini and iLevil 1 & 2
- FLARM / AirAvionics Air Connect
iOS Location Services
- to be able to receive GPS signal (either internal or external). Note that other External GPS receivers like the ones from Bad-Elf, Garmin or Dual will use this sensor.
Attitude Sources
Internal Sensors bridge
- used to share attitude between devices
Flight Simulators
- Air Navigation Pro can connect to flight simulators and use them as source for the data displayed on it:
- MS Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D
- X-Plane
External Devices
- external sensors that transmit attitude data to Air Navigation Pro:
- Flytec SensBox
- Levil AHRS G Mini and iLevil 1 & 2
Internal IMU
- to connect with the internal gyroscopes of the iPad/iPhone.
Pressure Sources
Internal Sensors bridge
- Used to share pressure information between devices
Flight Simulators
- Air Navigation Pro can connect to flight simulators and use them as source for the data displayed on it:
- MS Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D
- X-Plane
External Devices
- External sensors that transmit pressure data to Air Navigation Pro:
- Flytec SensBox
- Levil AHRS G Mini and iLevil 1 & 2
Internal Barometric sensor
- Starting with the iPhone 6 & iPad Air 2, the devices are equipped with a barometer. Airnav leverage this barometer to better understand the location of the aircraft and show even more accurate data.
Traffic Sources
Levil AHRS G Mini and iLevil 1 & 2- Uses the ADS-B information and displays it on the moving map
FLARM / Air Avionics Air Connect
- FLARM receivers are only compatible with Air Navigation Pro when using Air Connect from Air Avionics