Maps and charts

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Different types of products can be installed to be used as the background image of the moving map module, as additional information displayed on the map or to use with the Elevation Graph:

  • Free-of-charge maps 1:250k (from the Domain OpenStreetMaps)
  • Charts from the public domain (ONC 1:1000k and other VFR charts)
  • Paid charts (ICAO/Official VFR charts & non-official)
  • Geo-referenced Approach Charts
  • Free Elevation data

These products are stored in the memory of the device and do not require an internet connection while flying.

There are two ways of getting the charts/data:

- Free-of-charge maps
- Public domain charts
- ICAO/VFR paid charts
- Free Elevation data
- Geo-referenced Approach Charts

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