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La “brújula” muestra el curso actual del GPS (no el rumbo magnético) en una rosa de los vientos virtual animada. El curso exhibido pude ser tanto el verdadero como el magnético, dependiendo de los ajustes.

El anillo externo es ajustable al tocar y deslizar un dedo hacia arriba o abajo, a la izquierda o derecha del indicador de la brújula.

Air Navigation’s "compass" only shows the GPS course. Due to the large error of the iPhone 3GS/4′s integrated compass in the cockpit environment we decided to stick with GPS data for all course information.

The bottom part contains the compass information, current ground speed and GPS accuracy as digital values. Units are adjustable in the settings. If the course information is magnetic the digital course label will be “MC” (Magnetic Course) otherwise it will be “TC” (True Course).

A “NAV” warning flag will let you know that you should NOT trust the Compass indicator in the following cases:
  • No waypoint is selected for the instrument;
  • The waypoint distance is over 250 nautical miles;
  • The GPS accuracy is less than 2.5 nautical miles.

Note: remember that you will ONLY find the spinball at the bottom of the instrument on iPhone/iPod Touch devices.

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