Análisis de Air Navigation

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Air Navigation is a very intuitive software. The User interface was developed to show all flight-important information at a glance. As a general rule, you can interact on the overview with everything that is yellow, everything on grey/white is information.



Overview ipad .png

  1. Toolbar
  2. Moving Map
  3. Data Bar
  4. Profile View
  5. Sensor Status
  6. Docks
  7. Instruments


Overview iphone.png

  1. Barra de herramientas
  2. Mapa móvil
  3. Barra de datos
  4. Vista de perfil
  5. Sensores de estado
  6. Pestañas
  7. Instrumentos

Nota: Por favor, tenga en cuenta que las pestañas del iPhone solo serán visibles en iPhone 6 y otros con pantallas más grandes.

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