Estado de los sensores

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El usuario puede ver el estado de las diferentes "fuentes" echando sólo un vistazo a este widget en la parte superior de la pantalla. Por fuente, nos referimos al GPS, una caja que esté conectada a Air Navigation (entre otros).

La barra se parece a la luz de advertencia de una aeronave que muestra errores.

Sensor caution.jpg

El color indica la severidad del error.

Sensor warning.jpg

La barra puede ocultarse al ser presionada una vez.

Sensor gps.jpg
Sensor gps .jpg

Al tocar el sensor con el error más severo exhibirá un mensaje diciendo cuál es el error si se lo presiona.

Warning sensor.jpg

These are the sources that you will find in the Sources Bar:

  • GPS: GPS (Caution when GPS accuracy is not so good, Warning when it is bad or no GPS signal is available)
  • ATT: Attitude calibration (for internal IMU, Warning when the internal IMU is turned on but was not calibrated after application launch - wrong attitude )
  • BARO: Barometer (Warning when external pressure sensors are turned on but failed to get valid barometer information)
  • TAWS: Terrain Awareness (Warning when the Terrain Awareness is turned on but no data was installed)
  • TRFC: Traffic information (Warning when traffic display is turned on but no compatible source is available -> ADS-B, FLARM, etc)
  • LTRK: Live Tracking (Warning when the live tracking is turned on but the application was unable to login to the tracking account).

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