Editor de waypoints personalizados

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Existen varias maneras de crear waypoints personalizados.

Crear waypoints desde el editor "Waypoints de usuario"

  • Agregando las coordenadas exactas o usando su posición actual
Ir a "Herramientas - Waypoints de usuario".

Creating waypoint from the Moving Map

  • By pressing your finger three seconds on a specific spot
    on the map. Tap on "Insert in database" and enter the parameters asked by the app. If you select Aerodrome under "Type" you will be able to enter runways and frequencies information.
The created waypoint will appear on the map and also under "Tools - Custom Waypoints editor".


  • Swiping from right to left over the waypoint's name will make
    the "Delete" button appear. Tap it once and it's done.

  • Under Custom waypoints editor tap "Edit" at the upper right
    corner and choose "Remove waypoints".

Back up waypoints

From the Edit mode you will also be able to back-up your
waypoints and restore them or copy them to another device.


In order to do this, you have to connect your device to a computer and go to iTunes.
Select the device on the upper bar and then select "Apps" from the menu on the left. At the bottom of this page you will find the "File Sharing" menu. Select Air Navigation Pro from there and save the "Backup.sql" file.


Move this file to the new device in the same way through the "File Sharing" option of iTunes. Then, select the option "Restore Waypoints" in the new device.

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Easily share your waypoints with others using the "Share" function. Tap on "More Options" - "Share", choose the waypoint(s) you would like to share and tap on "Share".

You will be given the option to choose between different formats.

  • Air Navigation Pro format: This format includes all the information related to the waypoint, like frequency and runways informations. Only compatible with Air Navigation Pro.
  • GPX: compatible with third party softwares that supports this type of files.
  • Text + Google Maps link

Once you select the waypoint you can choose how you would like to share it:

  • AirDrop
  • iOS Native apps like Message, Mail or Notes
  • Third party apps like Dropbox.

Waypoints share.jpg

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