Plan de vuelo ATC

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Es posible completar planes de vuelo ATC desde Air Navigation Pro.

Atc plans.jpg

There are two ways of doing this:

Flightplans can be purchased from Xample Services or directly through the App by going to Tools - ATC Flight plans - Buy more flight plans.

The Flight Plan service is provided by Skybriefing from Skyguide. If problems occur, you can reach them:
Tel: + 41 (0)43 931 61 61
Fax: + 41 (0)43 931 61 99


Note: Flightplans will not be displayed under "Map Options" - "All my products".

Through Xample Services

Skyguide will forward the Flight plan to the responsible ATC unit and a few minutes later you will see under your flightplans if it has been accepted or rejected.


A través de Air Navigation Pro

  • After syncing your Xample Services Account, go to Tools - ATC Flight Plans.
  • Tap on "New flight plan".
  • If you have already created an aircraft profile, some of the information will be filled out automatically.
  • After filling out the plan tap on "Validate and submit".
  • The plan will appear as "pending" and then as "accepted" or "rejected".

Atc fplans.jpg

Skyguide will forward the Flight plan to the responsible ATC unit and some minutes later you will see under your flightplans if it has been accepted or rejected.

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