Android version
There are no bridges programmed on the Android version of Air Navigation Pro.
However, there is an Android App named "X-Plane to GPS" that can be acquired through the Play Store and it will allow users bridge Air Navigation Pro with the X-Plane simulator.
You just have to:
- Search for "X-plane to GPS" app in the Play Store.
- Download it.
- Follow instructions to get GPS signal from X-Plane.
- Run Air Navigation Pro.
Here's a link to the page of "X-Plane to GPS" App:
iOS version
In order to connect Air Navigation Pro to the X-Plane Flight Simulator, a special plugin must be installed in the «plugin» folder of X-Plane.
El plugin para Mac o Windows puede descargarse desde nuestro sitio al final de esta página:
El plugin «Air Navigation_mac.xpl» o «Air Navigation_win.xpl» deben ser copiados en la carpeta «Resources/Plugins» dentro de la carpeta de X-Plane. Si el plugin fue instalado correctamente, se debería ver «Air Navigation» en el menú «Plugins» de X-Plane, que se encuentra en la barra superior al comenzar un vuelo.
Una vez que el plugin haya sido identificado en X-Plane, clickee en «Start Air Navigation bridge», en el menú «Plugins».
On Mac computers we use the "Bonjour" feature to discover X-Plane on the network.
On Windows computers the “Bonjour” service is required for the automatic detection of X-Plane network address by the iPhone or iPad. If you have already installed iTunes you don’t have to do anything, since Bonjour comes with iTunes automatically.
To manually download the Bonjour service for Windows, follow this address:
Download the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Once you have started the Air Navigation bridge on X-Plane:
- make sure you have your iPad/iPhone and your PC connected to the same wifi network;
- make sure to switch the X-Plane Sensors ON in the «Tools» menu.
Test X-Plane and Air Navigation Pro connection
- Start X-Plane
- Start Plugin (Plugin – Air Navigation – Start Air Navigation bridge)
- View info (Plugin – Plugin Admin – Plugin Information) Air Navigation (Enabled)
- Start Air Navigation Pro
- Enable Connection (Tools – Sensors – X-Plane Flight simulator – Sensor – ON)
- Wait 30s
If the indicator is green, enjoy with X-Plane and Air Navigation Pro. If not, test Wi-Fi connection and Test Bonjour installation.
Test Wi-Fi connection
- Start Air Navigation Pro
- Enable Web Server (Configuration – Settings – Enable web server)
- Connect to the Web Server (Type the web site URL address in your favorite browser)
Air Navigation Pro Web Server displayed?
- Yes and X-Plane connection work - Enjoy with X-Plane and Air Navigation Pro
- Yes but X-Plane connection lost - Test Bonjour installation
- No:
- Is the Wifi enabled on the device?
- Are both devices (iOS device and Desktop computer) on the same network?
- Test Bonjour installation
Test Bonjour installation
- Install Safari on your desktop (for windows users) (
- Run Safari
- On Mac if necessary – enable Bonjour display
- Start Air Navigation Pro
- Enable Web Server (Configuration – Settings – Enable web server)
- See on Bonjour list Air Navigation Pro Server
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