Plan de vuelo ATC

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It is possible to file ATC Flightplans from Air Navigation Pro.

Atc plans.jpg

There are two ways of doing this:

Flightplans can be purchased from Xample Services or directly through the App by going to Tools - ATC Flight plans - Buy more flight plans.

Nota: Este es un producto pago. Los planes de vuelo tienen que ser adquiridos a través de la página de Xample Services. Los mismos, no se mostrarán en "Opciones de Mapa" - "Todos mis productos".

A través de Xample Services

  • Diríjase a
  • Conectese con su cuenta de Xample Services.
  • Luego, diríjase a Flightplans, completelo y envíelo.

Skyguide le enviará el plan de vuelo a la unidad ATC responsable y luego de unos minutos podrá ver debajo de sus planes de vuelos si ha sido aceptado o rechazado.


A través de Air Navigation Pro

  • After syncing your Xample Services Account, go to Tools - ATC Flight Plans.
  • Tap on "New flight plan".
  • If you have already created an aircraft profile, some of the information will be filled out automatically.
  • After filling out the plan tap on "Validate and submit".
  • The plan will appear as "pending" and then as "accepted" or "rejected".

Atc fplans.jpg

Skyguide will forward the Flight plan to the responsible ATC unit and some minutes later you will see under your flightplans if it has been accepted or rejected.

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