A través de una URL

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Crear waypoint Waypoint a través de una URL

Con el fin de agilizar los tiempos de trabajo es posible insertar rápidamente waypoints en la aplicación pulsando en una URL con un formato especial. La URL puede ser enviada por correo electrónico, SMS o navegado en un sitio web.

Supported actions:

  • Direct-to
  • Import waypoints to user database
  • Create route

The URL looks something like this: Clean: airnavpro://direct-to?coordinates=wgs84-decimal&location=46.875_7.234,0.0,WP1,Grass field Encoded query: airnavpro://direct-to?coordinates%3Dwgs84-decimal%26location%3D46.875_7.234%2C0.0%2CWP1%2CGrass%20field

It consists of:

  • URL scheme: airnavpro://
  • An action: direct-to
  • Coordinates format: coordinates=wgs84-decimal
  • waypoint(s): location=46.875_7.234,0.0,WP1,Grass field

Note: The query part of the URL has to be URL encoded in order to support special characters.

Coordinates formats:

  • wgs84-ddmmss
  • wgs84-decimal
  • wgs84-ddmmdecimal
  • utm-std
  • utm-band
  • ups
  • mgrs100
  • mgrs10
  • mgrs1
  • irish
  • ir+zone
  • nzgd1949
  • nzgd2000
  • swiss
  • uk
  • uk+zone
  • rt90
  • sweref99tm

Waypoint format For any action the waypoint can be defined with different values separated by a comma (,). Waypoints are separated by semicolons (;).

Waypoint values:

  1. Coordinates
  2. Elevation (in meters)
  3. Waypoint ID
  4. Waypoint name

A waypoint must at least contain the coordinates information. The coordinates information may be composed of two values, in this case the coordinates must be linked with a underscore (_). For example, a waypoint description for a wgs84 decimal format: 46.875_7.234

Here is a full example with elevation, ID and name data: 46.875_7.234,0.0,WP1, Antenna


Direct to can be achieved by formatting an URL with the "direct-to" command. Only one waypoint can be specified and it has to be in the form like :


Here are some examples of direct-to URLs :

WGS84 decimal

 - airnavpro://direct-to?coordinates=wgs84-decimal&location=46.875_7.234,0.0,WP1,Grass field

WGS84 degrees minutes seconds

 - airnavpro://direct-to?coordinates=wgs84-ddmmss&location=N 12°34′56′′_W 78°12′34′′,0.0,WP1,Grass field

Swissgrid CH1903

 - airnavpro://direct-to?coordinates=swiss&location=602030.68_191775.03,0.0,WP1,Zimmerwald

Import waypoints to user database

A list of waypoints can be imported directly in the user database with a specially formatted URL with the "add-waypoints" command. A list of waypoints can be specified and it has to be in the form like :


Here is an example of add-waypoints URLs :

 - airnavpro://add-waypoints?coordinates=wgs84-decimal&waypoints=46.123_6.543,125.0,WP1,Grass field;47.113_7.143,225.1,WP2,Forrest;45.153_6.643,1225.0,WP3,Antenna

Create Route

A new route with a list of waypoints can be created and loaded directly with a specially formatted URL with the "new-route" command. A route name and list of waypoints can be specified and it has to have a form like: route-name=myRoute&waypoints=point1;point2;point3

Here is an example of add-waypoints URLs :

 - airnavpro://new-route?coordinates=wgs84-decimal&route-name=myRoute&waypoints=46.123_6.543,125.0,WP1,Grass field;47.113_7.143,225.1,WP2,Forrest;45.153_6.643,1225.0,WP3,Antenna

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