Personal data management

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Estas son las herramientas principales que pueden ser utilizada para administrar tus datos:

Actualmente, es posible importar/exportar los datos siguientes:


  • Waypoints, Frequencies and Runways as TXT-format files;
  • Waypoints, Frequencies and Runways by editing the «UserDatabase.sql» file (SQLite 3 file);
  • GPX files containing:
    • Routes, will be shown on the Routes module
    • Tracks. You will be asked how you would like to import tracks: as routes or flight records.
    • Waypoints, will be shown in the Custom Waypoint editor
  • Airspaces files as OpenAir text files;
  • Airspaces files as Tim Newport Peace text files;
  • PDF documents;
  • Logbook entries as TXT-format files.
  • Aircraft profile in ANP format.


  • Waypoints, Frequencies and Runways as TXT-format files;
  • Waypoints, Frequencies and Runways created within Air Navigation Pro that are stored in a «UserDatabase.sql» file (SQLite 3 file);
  • Routes as GPX files;
  • Logbook entries as TXT-format files;
  • Recorded tracks as KML files (they can be viewed with Google Earth);
  • Email (Routes, PDFs, logbook, aircraft profile).

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