Preflight Briefing

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Air Navigation Pro supports NOTAM information for Route planning. The «Preflight Briefing» is a paid service of 1 year subscription. It is acquired through the Addons page.

Preflight briefing NOTAM 1.jpg

When you plan a route, you can request NOTAM for:

  • Airports from the Route
  • Close/alternative Airports
  • FIR regions

You can purchase a one-year subscription to the preflight briefings through under "ADDONS - By products groups - SERVICES".

After the purchase of the subscription you have to sync your products and an option in "Tools" menu called "Preflight briefings" will be enabled.
The upper screenshot shows how to request a preflight briefing.
You can also use the Toolbar to create one.

Notamsan.jpg (Android)
Preflight briefing NOTAM 2.jpg (iOS)
Notamsan2.jpg (Android)

The NOTAM information will be shown on the map if we set it under Tools. Small triangles in yellow / red will display a pop up window with NOTAM information for a selected waypoint or region.

How much info/data will I see on each preflight sheet?

  • NOTAM Serie “A” only (International Airports) worldwide.
  • NOTAM Serie “A” and “C” (INTL and national Airports) for Europe.
  • Smart NOTAM for Switzerland/France/Germany (decoded NOTAM).

When we request a briefing, we will be able to configure what airports, FIR regions and close airports will be included in the preflight sheet, which will look like the following examples:

Preflightan4.jpg (Android) Preflight briefing NOTAM 3.jpg (iOS)

Note: preflight briefings do not have to be downloaded once the subscription is purchased. You will see it under "Map Store - All my products" with a green circle next to it.


The preflight sheet can be sent by email for printing.

You can also request briefings through the Xample Services Website (screenshot below).


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