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The instrument Route is one of the main features in Air Navigation for flight planning and real time navigation. It displays the most important data for the current route.


The Summary section will display at first glance the name of the route, departure and arrival airport, the number of legs, distance and ETA. When tapping on the Route a new menu will open with further options.


Date of Flight
Set the date and time of departure for this route
Pilot in command
Set the pilot flying this route
Select the aircraft for the route. You can create a new aircarft profile by tapping on "+ New aircarft..."


By tapping on this field you will be able to change the name of the route
Departure, Destination and number of legs
Distance of the Route
Cruise speed
Information taken from the aircraft profile
ETE calculated with the information from the aircraft profile
Select an alternate airport for the route
Dist. to altern.
Distance to alternate from last WP from route
Calculates endurance once the Fuel on Board is entered


Fuel on Board
Enter the fuel on board the aircraft
Fuel flow
Information gathered from the aircraft profile
Taxi time
Sets taxi time
Calculates taxi fuel
Calculates cruise fuel for route
Calculates fuel needed for leg DEST - ALTN
Reserve time
Allows you to set a reserve time (By default 45 mins)
Calculates fuel for reserve
Fuel Required
Calculates fuel for the trip taking in account, taxi, cruise, alternate and reserve time
Endurance (Fuel on Board) minus Fuel required


You can calculate the effect of current wind to your route. For the time being the wind calculates will be only the wind at ground level.

No wind
Don't take in account wind for the route
Wind per leg
Downloads from the internet the current winds for your route legs. To push the service tap on the circled arrow at the bottom of this menu. This will take some seconds and the message "Last update: Never" will change to the current time.
Wind per route
Enter manually a direction and speed of the wind for the whole route.
Remember that you must download the Free Elevation data in order to calculate the Wind per leg info.

Operational Flightplan

The route created can be converted to a flight log that can be printed out or sent by E-Mail.

To use this function just tap on the Summary of the route and select the option "Flightplan" at the top right corner.


The flight log will display route information in an easy to read table mode together with other relevant information like MSA, FREQs, TAS, GS and Fuel requirements.

To print, send or share the Operational Flightplan just tap on the icon with the arrow on the upper right corner.


Will display information about the legs of the Route. While flying it will displays the actual distance and bearing to next waypoint

Pressing the "i" at the right of every WP will show information of the WP and the option to select it or center it on the map.

Edit Mode

When in Edit Mode the information displayed will be distance, Heading, Course and ETE between the route's waypoints.

You will also be able to change the order of the waypoints by tapping the 3 lines on the right of the waypoint and dragging the waypoint up or down. By tapping on the red "-" on the left of the waypoint you'll be able to remove it from the route.

Further actions

By tapping on the yellow square with the arrow pointing up you'll be able to access further actions for the created route:

Reverse Route
Reverses the current route
Save as new Route
Will duplicate the route so that you can modify it
Send by email...
Will open iOS Mail client and attach the route as .gpx file so taht you can share it.
Request briefing
Will request the Preflight Briefing for the selected route

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